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The Outreach work we deliver at Coal Clough Academy will allow our team to work in partnership with schools and services, to improve the life chances of our young people.

It provides the opportunity to network as a large group of agencies within Early Help, Medical, and Mental Health & Education, allows staff to develop in their professional development and in turn, feel skilled to support young people in their setting.

This service will provide:

  • Advice & Support
  • Strategies
  • Specific training to actively manage behaviour
  • Reflective Practice
  • System development with the overall aim of reducing levels of disruptive conduct
  • Improved accessibility to education and learning
  • Enhanced progress and reduction in number of suspensions and permanent exclusions within Lancashire

At Coal Clough Academy, we pride ourselves on working with the most challenging and vulnerable young people. With strong and consistent outcomes for both academic and non-academic, we can support you.

Why Choose Us?

Our team of highly skilled staff want to support on the delivery of highly effective CPD that will allow schools, services and providers to enhance the work already done with the most vulnerable, challenging young people.

We will provide strategies of preventative measures to engage learners and allow them to succeed in their education journey.

How to Book

All of our scheduled sessions are available to book via our Eventbrite webpage which can be accessed here

Our team are also happy to deliver whole school CPD sessions. For further information, please email

Book a session

“Our team of highly skilled staff want to support on the delivery of highly effective CPD that will allow schools, services and providers to enhance the work already done with the most vulnerable, challenging young people.”

“At Coal Clough Academy, we pride ourselves on working with the most challenging and vulnerable young people. With strong and consistent outcomes for both academic and non-academic, we can support you.”