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School will close at 12:30pm on Friday 18th October for half-term and will re-open on Monday 28th October 2024 at 8:30am
To report a student absence, please telephone Reception on 01282 421142 before 8:30am

Careers Education Information Advice and Guidance

At Coal Clough Academy, we are highly committed to providing outstanding careers education and advice for all students. The school’s aims and ethos underpin the work of the careers team. Students are all able to achieve, but can only fulfil their potential if they understand themselves, their abilities and the possibilities available to them. All of our careers guidance and advice promotes full inclusivity and diversity to anyone that accesses it.

Our Careers Policy is reviewed annually. The date of the next review is June 2025.

Careers Team

Pupils at Coal Clough Academy have access to impartial Careers Education, Information, Advice and Guidance from our careers link, who works closely with pupils on a day to day basis. The careers staff, with the support of the senior leadership team, guide your child to their chosen destination post 16.

Coal Clough Academy’s careers staff are continually accessible and can be contacted by phone or email.

The Senior Leadership Team link for careers is:

Nathanial Eatwell (Personal Development Lead & DSL) –

The School Careers Link and Coordinator is:

Molly Sparrow –

Molly Sparrow

Careers Link Coordinator

“Students are all able to achieve but can only fulfil their potential if they understand themselves, their abilities and the possibilities available to them.”


Measuring Impact Statement

At CCA we are constantly monitoring and evaluating how our careers program is supporting and affecting our students. We may accomplish this in a variety of ways, such as by utilising the data on our students’ destinations and soliciting input from partners, parents, teachers, employers, and students.

At Coal Clough Academy, we employ a range of techniques and tools to assess the effectiveness of our career services and programme. These include and are not limited to:

  • Stakeholder Feedback including; Parents, Carers, Students (Pupil Voice) & Staff
  • Work experience evaluations (Employer & Pupils)
  • Gatsby Benchmarks
  • Employer & Partner feedback
  • Destination measures

Throughout the academic year, we periodically assess our service with key stakeholders, such as our nominated Personal Development staff member, the Headteacher & Senior Leadership Team, our Careers link, and other external organisations such as EBPNW and  the Education Partnership Trust, to ensure it is of the highest quality.

The Provision is overseen by the Senior Leadership Team (SLT). To ensure that the Careers Link and Coordinator is accountable for the program, they provide a termly update to the entire leadership team on major programs such as Destinations, Provision, Work Experience, and Career Guidance.

The next review of our CEIAG provision we be completed in the summer term of 2025

Provider Access Statement link:

Coal Clough Academy believes in giving further education, higher education and training providers/employers the opportunity to talk to pupils within the school. Please use the this link to see our ‘Provider Access Statement’

Careers Policy Link:

To read the schools full Careers Policy(CEIAG) please use this link


Collaboration & Partnerships

In order to share ‘Good Practice’ The school works closely with local schools within the area and the EPT, to support the development of the Careers Programme. The school is lucky enough to work closely and in partnership with EBPNW – Education Business Partnership North West.

‘Award winning, Career Education Specialists Education Business Partnership Northwest work in partnership with Coal Clough Academy to make a positive difference to the lives of students.   Education Business Partnership Northwest deliver ongoing career information, advice and guidance through a variety of engaging and bespoke services to support the individual needs of young people:

 Individual Face to Face Career Guidance Interviews – Gatsby Benchmark 1, 3 & 8

Individual, face to face guidance sessions developing action plans and career notes with students and providing handouts and further support, where required.  These are delivered in school, in community settings or in the home and  follow up interviews for those who need additional support are arranged.  The sessions include career and skill quizzes to help with action planning.  The team provides full support and coordination of destination tracking and reports, including Compass tool in conjunction with school. For students who require additional reports, EBPNW support with producing and attending multi agency meetings.  EBPNW have been working closely with the careers link and  SLT for career planning.

 Support with college and apprenticeship applications – Gatsby Benchmarks 1, 3 & 7

Individual support for completing and submitting college and apprenticeship applications (and searching), supporting positive transition to Post 16 learning and training.  Includes liaising with college and Post 16 partners for guest talks and visits.’

Contact EBPNW-

01254 433390

The School Careers Link & Coordinator and SLT staff continue to develop further partnership through networking and collaboration events. The school has a number of links with a number of FE / HE providers, Apprenticeship schemes & Employers

Information for Students

Your careers team in school is led by Careers Link and Coordinator Molly Sparrow. The team are constantly available to talk to about your life after you leave Coal Clough Academy. Our aim is to give you the support and advice you need so that you can be confident and happy about your choices for the future and answer any concerns or questions you may have.

Resources for You

Check out these helpful websites:

This website has lots of information and support with applying for courses and jobs.

If you are wondering how your subjects relate to a career, you can use this website to find videos of people who are in the careers now and what they did to get there.

This website has all you need to know about different careers and courses, you can even search for courses near you.

Here you can find general advice and news on the latest in careers.

Year 11 Transition Opportunities

This is a fantastic series of virtual work experience, resources and employer insights.

If you are unsure about what you want to do, why not try one of the below tools which can help you make career choices and see what careers are available to you.

(Careerometer and skillometer)

Information for Teachers

All teachers at Coal Clough Academy are invested in helping our students achieve at school and beyond. To help with this, the teacher section of our website provides links and resources for our staff to use during their regular teaching to help support careers advice and guidance across school.

This website has videos of employers and employees that link every subject to various careers. A quick win in the classroom.

A great starting point for STEM subjects, with links to resources and regular CPD opportunities.

A selection of free resources and quizzes.

The National Careers Week website has activities around skills, and links to various big national employers for more information.

If any student expresses an interest in a particular career, most companies have careers sections on their websites which give plenty of information around location, day in the life, starting salary, and qualifications needed to enter into that role. For any further support speak to Molly Sparrow.

Information for Parents

It can be difficult to think about the next steps for your child, especially when they’re coming to the end of their time at school, with so many options out there. This area on our website is designed to help you navigate all the choices available to them. With all the information you need, there are a couple of useful links below.

There is lots of information and support on this website regarding the application process for training or employment. You can also be connected to a free career advisor via telephone or online chat.

Free resources | The Parents’ Guide (

The various options and routes available to your child are set out on this website and in their online magazine, providing guidance on how you can apply in the future.

Careermag for Parents | Careermap

This online magazine is regularly updated with information about different careers.

Start – Careers Information for Lancashire (

This is a fantastic site full of insightful careers information and advice for young people.

Lots of information regarding Careers access for teenagers.

Some of the Local Further Education providers the school works closely with are:

  • Burnley College
  • Nelson and Colne College
  • Accrington and Rossendale College
  • Blackburn College
  • Myerscough College

Information for Employers

Coal Clough Academy’s aim is to work with a wide range of businesses and education providers in the region as part of our career provision. In shaping the future of our students, there are a number of ways in which you can get involved:

  • Aspirational speaking (PSHE lessons)
  • Visits to industry
  • Visits to colleges, universities and training providers
  • Coaching and mentoring
  • Careers Fairs
  • CPD for our staff
  • Local businesses
  • Apprenticeship opportunities Post 16
  • Work experience

If you have a copy of any business literature, please forward this to our Careers team so that this can be used within school as part of our careers programme and Guidance..

If you are interested in working with our school or would like to arrange a visit, please see our ‘Provider Access Policy’ and contact our Careers Link & Coordinator Molly Sparrow –

“I have every faith that Coal Clough will continue to improve under the current leadership, increasing the chances of students being able to realise and achieve their potential in moving positively forward.”
