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Important Information for 2023-2024 Examination Series

Please follow the links below to download our Year 11 Assessment information for this academic year:

At Coal Clough Academy, we are committed to offering programmes of study which are interesting, challenging and will ultimately lead to success for our students.

GCSE Results Day: Thursday 22nd August 2024

Coal Clough Academy will be open between 9am and 12pm for students to collect their GCSE Exam Results.

Please note that results can only be issued to students. Parents/Carers are unable to collect results on their child’s behalf unless prior written consent is provided by the student.

GCSE Curriculum

At Coal Clough Academy, we recognise the need for our pupils to access qualifications at this level to further their prospects for the future. The journey our pupils have been on can mean they need extensive support to succeed in their academic journey, but at Coal Clough Academy we are determined in our efforts not only to see them succeed but to set high expectations for all of our pupils.
We ensure that pupils are entered for the following subjects at GCSE to fully support applications for further education, employment or training:
English Awarding Body
GCSE English Language Eduqas WJEC
GCSE English Literature (option chosen in Year 10) AQA
GCSE Mathematics Pearson Edexcel
Combined Science (Biology, Chemistry & Physics) AQA
Art & Design
GCSE Art & Design (Art, Craft & Design) AQA

Vocational Curriculum

At Coal Clough Academy, we pride ourselves on providing vocational courses which lead to a passionate understanding of, and commitment to, the joy of technical accomplishment. The large range of vocational subjects that can be studied here at Coal Clough Academy are designed to provide opportunities for all pupils to experience a more ‘hands-on’ approach to their learning and overcome any barriers to learning that they may have experienced in their previous schools. It can give those who learn in different ways a chance to flourish and perform well, as the type of teaching is far more social, interactive, and visual.

As part of our vocational curriculum, we offer the following programmes of study:

Occupational Studies for the Workplace (Sport units) Level 2 Award NCFE
Construction Level 1 Introductory Award/Certificate BTEC
Well-Being Level 1 Certificate NCFE/CACHE
Travel & Tourism Level 1 Certificate NCFE
Public Services Level 1 Introductory Award BTEC
Cooking Skills Level 2 Award BTEC
Occupational Studies for the Workplace (I-Media units) Level 2 Award/ Certificate NCFE
Motor Vehicle Studies Level 1 Award/Cert ABC
Art & Design Level 1/2 Certificate NCFE
GCSE Art & Design AQA
Photography Level 1 Award NCFE
Sport Level 1 Award Active IQ
Citizenship Short Course ASDAN
Geography Short Course ASDAN
History Short Course ASDAN
Gardening Short Course ASDAN
Computing Short Course ASDAN
Careers Short Course ASDAN

“It has been great to see the positive changes in Coal Clough Academy. I have been particularly impressed with the commitment of staff to re-engaging our pupils in their education”

Commissioning School