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School will close at 12:30pm on Friday 18th October for half-term and will re-open on Monday 28th October 2024 at 8:30am
To report a student absence, please telephone Reception on 01282 421142 before 8:30am
Terms Of Reference
Child Exploitation of both a Sexual and Criminal nature puts children in our communities at risk of serious harm. It is often the case that indicators are initially minor or that information comes from a third party and as professionals we feel the need to share this and gain advice as to how to manage the information. The Pennine Anti Child Exploitation Panel has been established with the intention of providing professionals in education, health and social care with an expert sounding board for these concerns, assistance in developing an action plan to help young people at risk and signposting to appropriate support.
Aims and Objectives
1.     To support professionals in managing concerns around Child Exploitation
2.     To raise awareness of support available to pupils, parents and professionals
3.     To encourage the sharing of information with appropriate partners
4.     To enhance the knowledge and understanding of the role professionals have in reducing criminal exploitation
5.     To provide an expert sounding board through the panel with members who hold seniority and are able to affect change and take action where needed
The panel will run via referral from professionals with concerns.
Forms will be submitted by email to the panel for review before the meeting date.
Referrers will be invited to attend the panel where all members will be able to contribute in assisting the referrer develop and action plan to move things forward for their case.
Referrers will then be asked to share their actions through feedback forms so that the panel can assist further should we need to.
The Team
The panel is made up of Local Safeguarding Partners and professionals with both experience and expertise in this area:

·      Police Officers from the East Division Exploitation Team

·      Senior Social Workers from the Contextual Safeguarding Team

·      Experienced Safeguarding Leads and School Leaders from across the Pennine Area

·      Lancashire County Council School’s Safeguarding (Safeguarding, Inspection and Audit Team)

Useful Links and Documentation
Referral Form
CEOP – Child Exploitation and Online Protection Command
Lancashire Police – What is Child Sexual Exploitation
Lancashire Police – What is Child Criminal Exploitation
Parents Against Child Exploitation
Please Email Referral Forms or request more information by E-Mailing